From the experts of the tactical vehicles, engineering bodybuilders and leaders of worldwide innovative ideas ENGINEERED LAND SYSTEMS, arise a new Project called ELS AVIATION. Specialized in design and manufacturing tailormade aviation refuelling equipment’s. Vehicles design to work around the clock at any type of airport or airbase, in any weather condition, from the heart of a city to the most remote location and difficult terrains, to fulfill your mision, to satisfy your demands.

Our Philosophy

ELS Aviation

Nowadays in the worldwide market scenario all the parties have to understand that we all are part of the logistic chains of our clients. ELS Works hard everyday to provide clients with the best product and services to enhance the performance of their businesses. The target is always to comprehense the business of our clients, the work philosophy and the study of the joint lines of improvements. Therefore a customised design, a precise quality assurance and a detailed manufacturing process are the key points for success. And this approach is always projected from social responsability and enviromental sustainability standpoints.


Choose HOW, WHEN and WHERE. We adapt to your needs from now on, in contrast to mega corporations which cannot do it.


Think Global, Act Local. NO DISTANCES – NO LIMITS We are International. We have born, grown and learned from it. We are closer than you can imagine.


Yes, we can. Express everything you have on your mind. Tell us what you need and i f it has not been created yet, we will make it real. Ask us. Test us. Challenge Us.

New energy & perspective

Adaptability & Agility

Optimistic attitude

Workforce development


Detail-Oriented & Focused

Organizational skills

Good work ethic

Always abreast of our latest products. Constantly evolving.

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